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[Download] MindValley – Sadhguru – A Yogi’s Guide to Joy (2022)

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A Yogi’s Guide To Joy – Become a Mindvalley Member, and unlock access to A Yogi’s Guide To Joy + Mindvalley’s full curriculum of 60+ transformational programs for as low as $1 a day.
The Curriculum

Explore A Yogi’s Guide To Joy Curriculum

Throughout your 15 days with A Yogi’s Guide To Joy, you’ll join Sadhguru for a daily deep dive into the inner workings of your emotions, disposition, and soul.
The program is divided into three parts: each with a daily video lesson that lasts just a few minutes, but enriches you with new tools and perspectives that serve you for a lifetime.
The program is designed to simulate having Sadhguru himself as your personal mentor.
This quality time with Sadhguru (and with yourself) will become the happy highlight of your day throughout your journey.
And when you reach the end, you’ll emerge as a brand new person who shines in every moment with the light of unconditional joy, love, and peace.
PART 1: Transcending Suffering (Day 1 – 5)

Your path begins at the doorway to unconditional joy: which, as unlikely as it may seem, is through an authentic understanding of the nature of suffering. You’ll join Sadhguru on an exploration of what really causes suffering, why you experience suffering, and how you can transcend it – without depending on anything or anyone but yourself.
Highlights include:
The true source of all suffering: most people never truly understand where their suffering comes from – and knowing it is the first step to never facing it again.

How change in your life can cause unnecessary suffering: change is inevitable, but suffering isn’t when you embrace this new way of facing any change – from minor readjustments to seismic shifts.

How your intellect traps you in suffering: the human intellect is a beautiful gift – but the vast majority of people mismanage theirs in a way that courts deep suffering. Discover how to break free of this trap.

Savoring a life free of fear: how many opportunities and gifts have you missed as a result of fear? Learn effective techniques for managing your inner world so that crippling fear makes way for endless possibilities.

And much more.

PART 2: Conquering Your Thoughts & Emotions (Day 6 – 10)

Next, Sadhguru guides you towards mastery of what can either be your best ally, or your worst enemy: your thoughts and emotions. You may already know that your inner world shapes your outer world – but here you’ll discover exactly how to mould your inner world in a way that shields you from stress and negativity, and rewards you with a life of boundless joy and peace.
Highlights include:
Why conventional “stress management” techniques fail you: the typical approach is based on a fundamental flaw in our understanding of stress. Learn how to fix it, and dramatically elevate your stress immunity.

Gaining freedom from psychological drama: your negative thoughts and emotional patterns are like clouds blocking the sun. Discover how to remove them, and clear the skies of your mind by embracing the inner chemistry of peace.

The Namaskar technique for sweeter relationships: deepen your connection with your loved ones and yourself with this simple tool that takes just 3 minutes a day.

The path to perfect emotional balance: like a flawlessly executed yoga pose, you can also train your emotions to achieve perfect balance and stability in every moment. Sadhguru’s method for realizing this is both simple and easy.

And much more.

PART 3: Living In Joy (Day 11 – 15)

The final step of your journey with Sadhguru is also the most delightful: because now that you’ve overcome suffering and negative emotions, it’s time to start embracing peace, love, and playfulness in every dimension and moment of your life. What you learn here will become your new paradigm for living, and an infinite source of joy.
Highlights include:
Living with your authentic freedom: follow these steps to rise above the illusions, and embrace what freedom really means to you as an individual – so you never again feel trapped or forced into anything that doesn’t bring you sheer joy.

Choosing peace in every moment: what’s going on around you (or even inside you) will no longer control you, when you discover how to create unconditional peace of mind, body, and soul.

Reawakening your child-like playfulness and passion: gain beautiful tools for reconnecting with your spark of playfulness and curiosity – including three specific sounds that fill you with an inner atmosphere of love.

The 5-minute love vibration technique: whenever you feel disconnected or distant, use this technique to almost instantly return to the essence of love, empathy, and closeness.

And much more.

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