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[Download] Frank Kern – Mass Conversion (2021)

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Frank Kern – Mass Conversion Download
Mass Conversion is a four-week online training that shows you how to:

Determine the best type of lead magnet for attracting ideal customers.

Get the lead magnets created quickly.

Build the automated systems to capture leads online and send them marketing messages.

Use Ascension to cross-sell and up-sell existing customers.

Drive targeted traffic from qualified prospects using advertising.

Here’s how to get inside the mind of your prospects, begin the process of Celebrity positioning, and create the CORNERSTONE of your business: Your lead magnets.
Here’s a fraction of what you’ll learn…

How to create money-magnet assets that attract perfect prospects while positioning you as a celebrity-authority.

Create a functional list-getting “machine” that pulls in prospects for you on autopilot.

Build automated, behavioral dynamic marketing campaigns that automatically convert new subscribers into buyers while positioning you as an authority and building goodwill.

Advanced NLP language patterns for hypnotic persuasion.

Templates for sales videos and sales letters that convert!

How to create group sales presentations that educate, engage, inspire, and SELL like crazy!

And much, much more!
Module 1: Creating Your Lead Magnets
Here’s how to get inside the mind of your prospects, begin the process of Celebrity positioning, and create the CORNERSTONE of your business: Your lead magnets.
Video 1: Our Grand Scheme REVEALED!

Video 2: 30,000 Foot View

Video 3: Getting Into The Mind of Your Customers

Video 4: Building Your Lead Magnets Part 1

Video 5: The FAST and EASY Way To Create Your Lead Magnet Content

Video 6: How To Get OTHER People To Do The Work FOR You!

Live Q&A Call – June Class

Q&A Call – August Class

Stragglers! (Q&A Video) – June Class
Module 2: Building Your Fanbase Factory
Creating Your List-Getting System
Video 1: Unlikely designs that convert like crazy!

Video 2: Process Map and what to do FIRST!

How to Create And Edit A Basic Video Pitch (For right after they opt in)

BONUS: How To Script Your VSL

BONUS: VSL Template And Walkthrough

Getting Your Video Online!

Getting Your Pitch Page Built In Five Minutes ????

How To Build Your Download Page In Five Minutes

THE ENGINE! (For Aweber Users)

THE ENGINE! (For Infusionsoft users)

Opt In Page #1 (The 2-Step!)

Opt In Page #2: Old Faithful!

Opt In Page #3: The Reverse Squeeze!

Opt In Page #4 The Ogilvy

Live Q&A Call- June Class

Q&A VIDEO – June Class

Q&A Call – August Class

Stragglers! August Class
Module 3: Creating Your Dynamic Campaigns
Turning Your Subscribers Into Customers (on AutoPilot)
Overview and COOL NEW TOYS!

The Blueprint And The Keys To Your Prospects Buying Behaviors

Creating The Content And The PITCHES For Your Promo

Getting The Pages Built

Deploying Your Goodwill Campaign STANDARD Method

Deploying Your Goodwill Campaign DYNAMIC Method (Part 1)

Deploying Your Goodwill Campaign DYNAMIC Method (Part 2)

Live Q&A Call – June Class

Q&A Video – June Class

Live Q&A Call – August Class
Module 4: Ascension!

The Angles of Approach, Revealed!

BLUEPRINT: How an “Angles” Campaign Works (In real time)

WALKTHROUGH! How to crank out Angles content that CONVERTS

HOW-TO: Build a beautiful content page with this great new tool.

AUTOMATION! How to automate your Angles Campaign


The Countdown Sequence Part II

Samurai Countdown!

Live Q&A Call – June Class

SUPER EASY Countdown Timer (And the prelude to Advanced Automation)

How To Do All This Stuff In AWEBER!

Live Q&A Call – August Class

The Best Advice I Could Possibly Give You
Building Your Business And Your Brand Through Targeted Traffic

How To Set Up Your Ads (Part 1)

How To Navigate The Ads Manager

Ninja Tactic #1: Keyword (audience) Segmentation

NA Secret #3 – Gender Banding

NA Secret #4 – Age Banding

NA Secret #5 – Dayparting

NA Secret #6 – Auto Ad Rotation (2)

NA Secret #7 – Headlines

NA Secret #8 – Length of Copy

NA Secret #9 – Retargeting

NA Secret #10 – Image No Nos

NA Secret #11 Image Yesses

NA Secret #12 – How To Scale WO Getting Screwed

NA Secret #13 – Highest Converting Ad Unit

NA Secret #14 – Placements

NA Secret #15 – Tracking Pixels

NA Secret #16 – Say No To Multiple Ads

NA Secret #17 – Demo & Psycho

Q&A Call – June Class

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BONUS! Advanced Automation Class
Advanced Automation Part 1: Using Dynamic Dates to add REAL Scarcity

Advanced Automation 2: Inserting The Dates Into An Email

How To Track Video Behavior!

Building The Email Campaign For Video Finishers
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