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[Download] Video Infographics – Self Help (2021)

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Video Infographics – Self Help Free Download


If you don’t use Infographics on Social Media, then you’re wasting clicks and views!
and Video Infographics create a traffic EXPLOSION

Infographics are “liked” and “shared” on social media 3X more than other any other type of content…
Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images.
Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images.
Infographics were the B2B content marketing tactic with the biggest increase in use, from 2015 to 2016, up from 50% to 58%.
People following directions with text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations.
Eye-tracking studies show readers pay close attention to info-carrying images. Readers spend more time looking at the images than they reading text on the page

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