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[Download] Todd Brown – Borrowed Best Seller (2022)

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Get Now Borrowed Best Seller By Todd Brown. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
A Whole New Way To Grow Your Business FAST!

“Borrow A Bestseller”

And Get Flooded With

New Customers In Just Days!

Possibly The Easiest & Fastest Advertising Method To

Get Thousands Of New Buyers

YES! This will work for you

no matter what product or service you sell

From: Todd Brown

West Palm Beach, Florida
This may sound crazy…
But it’s working like nothing I’ve seen before.
Choose any best-selling book… from any author… and you can “borrow it” to fill your business with new customer sales in as little as five days.
And you keep 100% of the money.
You can use a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign with new books, old books, classics, even books which just hit the shelves, it doesn’t matter.
Pick anyone…
“Borrow it” and…

Fill Your business

With A Surge Of Fresh Buyers!

And you can do it for as long you want to continue to drive more and more sales.
Start small; start big. However you want.
The Borrowed Bestseller Campaign is the perfect advertising method for you if you’re short on time, don’t have a product yet, don’t feel like creating a new product, or just want the hefty credibility-boost of “borrowing a best-seller”.
This will get you new customer sales like nothing you’ve seen before.
And you can do this no matter what niche you’re in… what product or service you sell… or whether you’re a new entrepreneur or grizzled veteran.
You don’t need an email list…
You don’t need any joint venture partners…
You don’t need a social media following…
And you don’t need any special connections or anyone’s permission or approval.
In fact, bestselling authors will love you for it.
Best part of all…
Launching a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign is so easy and fast…

You can start seeing new sales

in as little as a few days!

But, you may want to jump on this now before one of your competitors beats you to the punch and “borrows” the perfect best-seller for your type of business.

Hi, my name is Todd Brown.
You may recognize my name…
I’m the marketing advisor other well-known marketing experts come to when they need help with their own campaigns.
Most of the funnel experts you see today at one point were my students.
And it’s been said, I’ve helped engineer more six and seven-figure marketing campaigns for clients than any other expert on the planet.

Fact is…
With entrepreneur clients and students in over 45 different countries, bringing-in almost a combined billion-dollars in annual sales…
I’ve seen every kind of marketing campaign under the sun.
So, I know what works to generate sales…
And, more importantly, what doesn’t, and why.
While tons of entrepreneurs struggle to make the typical sales funnel models work for their business…
I’ve yet to see the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign not perform like gangbusters.
It works every time it’s used because:
(1) You instantly have a HOT selling offer (no matter what core product or service you sell)…
(2) You get sales at sky-high conversion rates thanks to the thousands of dollars in PR and buzz already generated…
(3) You enjoy immediate credibility and authority positioning…
(4) You gain instant expert status alongside the celebrity author…
(5) And you keep 100% of every sale, while getting new customers galore!

A Little-Known Customer-Generating

Move Quietly Used By The Big Dogs

I wish I could say I invented the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign…
I didn’t.
I stumbled across it about 18 months ago while studying what a handful of the fastest-growing direct marketing companies are doing.
I saw how some of their most successful marketing campaigns are borrowing a bestseller to build monster-sized lists of new buyers.
Like Newsmax, for example, who’s borrowing this book from author, Peter Tanous, and acquiring tens of thousands of newsletter subscribers.

And that’s just one of dozens of best-sellers they’re borrowing to grow their customer list.
Newsmax continues to grow their database of buyers with different “Borrowed Bestseller Campaigns” every single month. Month after month.

After a little more research, I discovered…
Newsmax is just the beginning.
Almost all of fastest-growing direct marketing companies acquire thousands of new customers every month running their own Borrowed Bestseller campaigns.
Like, Health Radar, who’s borrowing this book from David Horowitz and getting new customers.

And the folks at Ultimate Wealth Report, who’re borrowing this book from Andrew Packer and getting new customers.

And Mind Health, who’s borrowing this book from Gary Small and getting new customers.

And Dr. Chauncey Crandall, who’s borrowing this book from Carlolyn Dean and getting new customers.

And Health Radar, who’s borrowing this book from Jeffrey Katz and getting new customers.

And Blaylock Wellness, who’s borrowing this book from Monte Lai and getting new customers.

And I could go on and on with example after example.
And here’s the thing to understand…
None of these companies own these books.
They didn’t write them…
They didn’t invest any time creating them…
They don’t have any special deal with the authors or publishers…

They Simply “BORROW” Them

Like this…

Most times, they’re NOT using a free+shipping offer or standard book funnel.
They’re using a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign to sell the books just a bit below full retail.
And every sale they keep 100% of the money… while growing their list of buyers bigger and bigger.
When I first saw how the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign works, I was blown away.
The fact that you don’t need to write a book and make it a best-seller to get tons of new customers; you can just borrow one.
Think about it:
No writing or product creation…

​A sellable product instantly…

​The instant credibility of a published book…

​The positioning of an established expert…

​PR and buzz already created…

​Most of the copy already written by professional copywriters…

​An ocean of buyers…

​And you keep every dollar of every sale… while adding new customers to your own list you can sell over and over.
If that’s not a beautiful marketing opportunity, I don’t know what is!
So, immediately, I decided to put the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign to the test in my own business.
So I spoke to my friends at Agora Financial to find out where they go to borrow their best-sellers.
They shared their secret source, and off I went to borrow my first best-seller.
I was stunned to see…

There Are Hundreds Of

Best-Sellers You Can Borrow

Right Now!

And more and more which become available for borrowing every week.
You name it, there’s a book you can borrow and immediately use to get new customers.
Almost every topic imaginable:







Time management…

Personal development…







…even cookbooks.
Most which sell on Amazon for up to $24, which you can borrow for as little as .50 cents to $3!

I spent a few minutes searching through the secret source’s catalog and found the perfect book for my business — PRE-SUASION by Dr. Robert Cialdini.
Perfect, because I knew my audience — entrepreneurs and marketers — were already fans of Dr. Cialdini’s original book Influence.
And they already viewed him as an authority and expert…
And there was already a lot of buzz circulating in the industry about PRE-SUASION.
So I figured… perfect, I’ll borrow his book, offer it to the market with a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, and generate a bunch of new customers.
Now, keep in mind…
I did NOT have any relationship whatsoever with Dr. Cialdini… his publisher… or his company.
But, as you’ll see, that doesn’t matter.

You Don’t Need Any Special Relationsip, Connections, or Permission

At the time, PRE-SUASION was selling on Amazon for $18.22…

From the secret source I was able to borrow it for JUST $3…

Then, I took five days to create some notes and stuff to go with it, set-up a little two-page Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, and started selling it for $16.95…

As soon as the campaign was published I knew I was on to something big…
Because sales started flowing in the first hour the offer went live.
It worked so well, it brought me new customers every day for over 11 weeks straight.
A handful of top marketers even reached out to ask how I was doing it… wanting to know how to set-up their own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign.
Get immediately download Todd Brown – Borrowed Best Seller
Like Russell Brunson, who sent me a Voxer message immediately.

Of course, the real beauty of this first Borrowed Bestseller Campaign wasn’t the few dollars of profit I made for every borrowed copy of PRE-SUASION sold…
The real magic was everything sold afterwards to all those new customers that little 2-page Borrowed Bestseller campaign generated.
That’s the beauty…
With a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign…

you generate sales from new buyers which you then own and

can sell over and over and over!

Simply put:
You’re borrowing a bestseller… on a topic related to your main product or service…
Acquiring fresh, motivated customers as they buy the book from you thru your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign…
Then selling those new buyers your main product or service afterwards.
And as you get more and more new buyers from your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, you own all those new customers for life and can sell more and more products to them anytime you want.
It really is…

Think about it, you can…
Borrow and sell a fitness bestseller… if you own a gym, sell a weight-loss product, or offer dietary supplements. Then you own a hot list of fitness enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
Borrow and sell a personal development bestseller… if you offer products on goal setting, time management, personal achievement, or leadership. Then you own a hot list of personal development enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
Borrow and sell an investing bestseller… if you offer a financial newsletter, accounting services, financial planning, or a stock-picking service,. Then you own a hot list of investing enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
Borrow and sell a relationship bestseller… if you offer dating advice, marriage counseling, pickup courses, or training on courting. Then you own a new list of relationship enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
Borrow and sell a business bestseller… if you offer marketing services, entrepreneurial coaching, website traffic courses, or business-growth tools and software. Then you own a new list of business enthusiast buyers you can sell your main product or service to over and over.
Fact is:
No matter what product or service you offer, the opportunities for you to borrow a bestseller, set-up the simple Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, and generate new customers… are endless.
In fact, look at just a few of the added bestsellers I found on the secret source this week alone.
All, which are available right now to be borrowed and sold with a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign by a savvy entrepreneur like you.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
There are hundreds of books and bestsellers you’ll find inside the secret source which you can borrow and sell today with your own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign.

So, Here’s What To Do Now:

Look: If you’re currently getting all the customers your business can handle, keep doing what you’re doing.
I would tell you not to change anything.
But, if you want a rush of new buyers for your business… in as little as the next few days… here’s what I’ve done for you…
I’ve put everything you need to deploy your own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign into a brand new on-demand training bundle you can have access to right now…

Save 90%-OFF Right Now

What you’ll discover inside:
The simple 2-page Borrowed Bestseller Campaign Funnel. You can set this up in less than 3 hours.

​My go-to secret source you can use today to borrow your first bestseller.

​​The best type of book to borrow which will bring you new customers galore!

​A simple way way to use your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign to fill any continuity program rapidly.

How to have your bestselling author give you a crazy-compelling free bonus to use in your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign! You’ll be shocked at how easy this is!

​The price point sweet spot — how to price your borrowed bestseller so it sells like crazy!

​ADD THIS!: The one thing to include in your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign which ensures prospects buy from you and never Amazon!

​1 trick to leverage monster buzz and PR from the biggest publishers… to get even more customers with your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign!

…and much more!
I’ve only shared the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign once before with entrepreneurs paying $497 each to get access. (I really wanted to charge $997, but my COO convinced me otherwise.)
Right now, during this brief pre-launch, you can have instant access to everything for ONLY $49.
However, as soon as our full marketing funnel is ready to go live, the price will jump dramatically.
And I don’t know about you… but… paying a lot more for the same thing doesn’t make any sense to me.
So, if you want your own Borrowed Bestseller Campaign bringing you new buyers in the next handful of days, now may be the best time (with the biggest savings) for you to grab the bundle.
Fill-out the form below to get access now to everything…
Download Link

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