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[Download] Jacob Alexander – Ecom Black (2021)

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Get Now Ecom Black By Jacob Alexander. Download This Course For Cheap Price…
Join The Best Ecommerce Training Program Online And Make Ecommerce Your Full Time Career
A Look At What You’re Getting
100% Money Back Guarantee
The Complete Ecom Black Training Program
Access To The Private Facebook Mastermind
Free Lifetime Access To All Casual Ecommerce Apps
Member’s Welcome Package
1 on 1 Skype Call With Jake (30 min)
Pre Made Dropshipping Customer Service Email Templates
Updated Content To Keep You Current On The Latest Trends & Tactics
What Is Ecom Black?
The Ecom Black training program was created with one purpose in mind, to get people results with the training without fluff, BS, or nonsense. The content within is 100% beginner friendly, and presented in a step by step manner that’s super easy to follow.
The goal of Ecom Black isn’t to teach people “make a quick buck” methods but instead to share “build a long term sustainable business that can fund your lifestyle” strategies that are proven to work over the long haul.
In short, this is the only ecommerce course you will ever need.
Learn From An Expert Who Actually Makes Money With Ecommerce
Topics Covered
Get a taste of the content you can expect inside the program
1) Introduction To Ecommerce

Learn the basics of the ecommerce business model and see why the industry is booming
Get acclimated with the Shopify platform
Join the exclusive mastermind community
How to adopt the right mindset in order to win in business

2) Picking Good Products

Learn how to source products at no cost with methods most sellers aren’t using
Learn how to identify which products will perform BEFORE you run ads
Learn how to take take the guesswork out of product selection, instead make it a science
Discover how to spot trends before they blow up so you can maximize profits!

3)  Store Setup

Learn how to setup a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing website that attracts visitors
Discover the power of branding, which will allow you to create a money machine for years to come
Learn to setup your store properly in order to maximize conversions
Find out how to create product pages that actually SELL your product

4) Funnels

Learn how to setup the back end of your business like a pro
Discover the power of leveraging funnels to maximize profits over the long term
Learn how to outbid your competition for traffic by having a profiting back end in place
Immediately jump ahead of 99% of ecommerce sellers that don’t utilize funnel strategies

5) Facebook Advertising

Learn how to properly harness traffic from the world’s biggest social media platform
Discover advanced retargeting tactics that no one else is using that will put you MILES ahead of your competition
Learn how to create ads that get people clicking over to your site for cheap

Get Jacob Alexander – Ecom Black  right now!
6) Instagram Influencers

Discover how to leverage other people’s audiences to your advantage
Figure out EXACTLY how to find the right influencers, contact them, and get them promoting your products
Learn how to negotiate with influencers so that way you know you are getting the best price

7) Email Marketing

Learn how to leverage one of the most overlooked aspects of ecommerce
Discover how to grow and utilize an email list that will add massively to your bottom line
Figure out how to build a relationship with your email subscribers that keeps them WANTING to open your emails in the future

8) Outsourcing

Learn how to leverage virtual assistants to automate parts of your business, so you can spend more time scaling
Discover how to have a business that runs without you on autopilot
Figure out how to outsource key functions of your store, leaving you with more free time to enjoy
Never deal with customer service headaches again

9) Google Adwords

Learn how to get traffic from the largest website online
Tap into the highest converting traffic source online buy targeting buyers with intent to purchase
See why Google Shopping ads are one of the best ways to advertise ecommerce products

10) Search Engine Optimization

Learn how to get your product pages to show up high in google search results
Leverage the possibilities of organic search traffic from google, leading to passive sales for your store
Learn the best techniques to optimize your entire store so google likes it and wants to show it to people

11) Advanced Branding

Learn how to create a powerhouse brand that stays in your customers mind
Leverage branding to create repeat customers so you can create an income source for the long term
See why branding is the ultimate key to selling the same products for 3x the price

12) High Ticket Dropshipping

Learn how to find suppliers that offer high quality products that you can sell for a large margin
See how you can create a long term brand through high ticket dropshipping
Get away from all the competition of Aliexpress and Print On Demand

13) Create Your Own Products

Learn how to reach the pinnacle of ecommerce, by creating your own product and a powerhouse brand around it
See why creating your own products is the key to making ecommerce easy
See how to contact suppliers and get them to make custom products that are 100% your own
Learn how to pick the right products to private label

The Ecom Black Mastermind Group
The absolute best way to grow as an entrepreneur and ensure your success is to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs on the same path as you. When you join Ecom Black you are going to gain access to our exclusive customer only Shopify group, where Jake personally looks at and answers every single question posted.
Better yet, you’ll have access to other successful Shopify sellers, that will help keep you on the cutting edge with everything ecommerce.
The Exclusive Members Only Benefits
FREE Lifetime Access To All Casual Ecommerce Apps
Get FREE lifetime access to not only all apps currently provided by Casual Ecommerce, but also any new apps launched in the future, you’ll get free as well!
1 on 1 Skype Call With Jake
Every member gets a 30 minute 1 on 1 Skype call with Jake. This call is redeemable after you are in the program for over 30 days. Why 30 days? Because we feel the call will be more valuable after you have gone through a good portion of the course content, so that way you can ask questions that are not already covered in the course
Member’s Welcome Package
Every Ecom Black member will receive a welcome package that contains the following..
– An Ecom Black Drawstring Bag
-Notebook & Pens For Goal Setting
-Ticket for 1on1 Skype call
Get Jacob Alexander – Ecom Black right now!

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